I can just picture Carrie Fisher laughing and muttering I told you so as she watches herself in Star Wars being shown on TBS (way too many times in one month). The Princess Laya braids that once were only worn to impress nerd boys are all over the place, and they look awesome. Even politicians are noticing the trend. Yullia Tymoshenko knows the power of the braid, you know she was the most popular girl in her class because she was always rocking cool hairstyles and maybe even styling the hair of a select friend or two. I bet she used the same tactics (good looks & favours) to win the election. If you don't know how to braid I would learn ASAP, apparently even LC braids her own hair.
Hi. MT here. Princess Leia Organa Solo of Alderaan. That is her name. The only reason I know what Cavalli's are is because of slack republic as in: "And oh, These Cavalli's on my feet." They're shoes right?
hey really love your blog.
like what you're doing.
check mine out
let's link up.
Thanks! Love yours too, including the very clever name.
Hi. MT here. Princess Leia Organa Solo of Alderaan. That is her name. The only reason I know what Cavalli's are is because of slack republic as in: "And oh, These Cavalli's on my feet." They're shoes right?
i like your layout.
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