Did you ever feel like you hit your peak at 15? Well apparently you should because teen's are the new 20 somethings. Miley and Zac are the new Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle except they're actually in highschool. So even though I probably told you so in highschool, that 15 would be the best year of your life, if you are looking to get back to your youth here are a few suggestions:
1. Get a really obvious fake id (Not getting let into a bar is the ultimate way to look young. Cross your fingers you get IDed.)
2.Know all the lyrics to Highschool Musical
I was such an ugly and awkward 15 year old.
i went to walmart today and everything was plastered with hannah montana! they have hannah montana cookies, hannah montana dishes, hannah montana notebooks. disney really knows how to whore her out.
I should have worked for disney when I had the chance. I bet Lindsay Lohan is regretting fucking that one up.
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